Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Graduation Speech Nursing Mentoring - 1030 Words

Nursing Mentoring Nohely Alvarez Felician College Nohely Alvarez 10/09/2015 â€Å"I declare on my honor that I have neither given nor received inappropriate aid on this examination/paper/assignment.† Going through the process of getting a degree and graduating can probably be the most rewarding achievement in life. All the sleepless nights: studying and writing papers has finally paid off and now it is time to step out into the real world. For some, depending on their career can be challenging to adapt to a new environment. Going to school and going to work for the very first time is a big difference. Some people could feel intimidated while other individuals could be excited to start a new chapter. It is strongly advised that students throughout their career find a mentor. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person. Mentoring will make a big difference for future nursing graduates and to many other careers. Getting a job for the very first time as a registered nurse after graduating can be very intimidating because people don’t know what to expect. Not knowing what to expect will only make the new graduate doubt his or her abilities. Duchscher (2008) states, â€Å" issues commonly cited as troublesome for newly graduated nurses at various points in time throughout the initial 12 months relate to a lack of clinical knowledge and confidence in skill performance,Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Knowledge Program836 Words   |  4 Pagesas reflected in student learning outcomes. Recognition ceremonies expanded Diversity Advocacy hosted the first graduation celebration for Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, and Southeast Asian students. 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