Thursday, November 7, 2019

Male Vs Female Manipulation in Ernest Hemingways Essay Example

Male Vs Female Manipulation in Ernest Hemingways Essay Example Male Vs Female Manipulation in Ernest Hemingways Essay Male Vs Female Manipulation in Ernest Hemingways Essay The American and Gig at first appear to be the epitome of the average, modern-day couple; they share drinks together, ravel together, sit and talk together, and even show concern for each other like every other functional relationship. However, what Ernest Hemingway (either intentionally or unintentionally) portrays with the couple is the natural human tendency to try and influence events to achieve what he or she wants. A study done by the Department of Psychology of Turk, Finland researches the differences between the way men and women manipulate. How the study determines its results is by listing a variable (type of manipulation) and based on how high or how low the coefficient came out to be determined if it was a ale or female tactic. As compared to the Finnish study, Hills like White Elephants serves as a model for the differences between how men and women go about manipulating aspects of a decision to favor their individually desired result. Results of the study done by Aka Visitors and her colleagues for the Department of Psychology of Turk, Finland found two distinct differences between men and women regarding how they manipulate; men tend to take a more aggressive approach, whereas women go about manipulation in a more indirect manner (126). What this means is that men re more to the point, so people can easily distinguish when males are trying to influence another person because they are not afraid to push boundaries. Women, on the other hand, try and manipulate inconspicuously through other means such as symbols, gestures, or word, all the while remaining poise. This fact is fitting of the extroverted American and introverted Gig, whom both seem to be sly and meticulous with their word choices. There were several very low scoring ways of manipulating that are exercised the American. One method of manipulation that was found by Aka Bassoonists duty to be used by men-?including the Americanis refraining from the display of anger (123). Throughout the short story Hills like White Elephants Gig tries to incite the American; at one point she makes a remark about liquorices and says it in a way that she knows will cause the American to react, however he never gives her the satisfaction and simply moves on with the conversation (par. 33). Another manipulation ploy listed the study lists and is used by the American is talking the matter over (123). No matter how evasive Gig gets, the American does not allow her to stray from talking about he procedure. At one point in the Hills like White Elephants, a highly unnerved Gig has to beg the American to change the subject, Would you please please please please please please please stop talking? (par. 1 16). This coincides with another way the American is manipulating her decision, one that was not a variable tested in the study, by complying with her every demand. This is shown in the Hills Like White Elephants when the American expresses to her, Id do anything for you (par. 1 15). The biggest and probably most influential technique is playing to Gigs insecurities. Jigs dialogue lets on that she is a little emotionally unstable. Gigs repeated worries over whether or not the American will still love her shows that she stresses over losing his presence. The American uses her anxiety to his advantage and plays the overly devoted and loving boyfriend very well; as shown by this quote from the short story Hills Like White Elephants: And if I do it youll be happy and things will be like they Were and youll love me? l love you now. You know I love you' (par. 69). He also pries on Gigs concerns and doubts over he procedure by constantly telling her it will be fine and that it is her choice repeatedly throughout Hills like White Elephants (par. 51-80). These manipulation tactics the American uses are all in some form aggressive, which is why according to the study men are attracted to them. The Americans attraction to this form of manipulation is used as an effort to try and persuade Gig into what he wants, which is going through with the procedure. Likewise in Aka Bassoonists study there is numerous high scoring methods of manipulation that were shown to be preferred by females. One of which loud be trying to irritate the other so as to cause a loss of temper (123). Like previously mentioned, Gig spends most Of the story purposely testing the patience and tolerance levels of the American. Another manipulation strategy used by females that was reported in the study done by Aka Bassoonists and others is intentionally trying to make the other look stupid (123). Gig intricately weaves words into her dialogue that makes elements of the setting become symbolic of her condition, and when the American doesnt react in a way that pleases her, she denounces him for it. This type of manipulation occurs in the Hills like White Elephants when she compares the white hued hills to white elephants and the American responds to her literal meaning, which causes her to embarrass him by pointing out the fault in his reply (par. 20). Dropping the situation, is another form of manipulation that was tested in Aka Bassoonists study and is the most influential form used by Gig (123). On numerous occasions, Gig drops the proceed ere talk by interjecting comments that Stray completely away from the decision at hand. One moment she completely walks away from the table. The American in the Hills like White Elephants says, l dont want you to do it if you feel that way. The girl stood up and walked to the end of the station (par. 82). These methods for manipulating are considered indirect because they focus more on speech rather than action. For example, by completely dropping the subject Gig escapes all the pressures caused by talking about the subject with the American, which is good considering she has doubts about the procedure. The results to the study contain a neutral zone, where the variables were shared almost evenly between males and females, which also reflects the interactions between both Gig and the American. The form of manipulation that Aka Bassoonists study shows is shared by both men and women is withdrawing from a situation (123). At different times, both Gig and the American proclaim that they removed themselves from the decision. In the Hills like White Elephants the American shows this trait when he exclaims, l dont want anybody but you. Dont want anyone else. And I know its perfectly simple (par. 111). Here the American is saying all he thinks is about her and especially not the baby. As for Gig, she confesses she is no longer in he decision in the Hills like White Elephants when she says, Then Ill do it. Because dont care about me (par. 77). Both characters, at a point beneficial to their argument claim, that they feel the way they do not for them but instead for the other. The last line of Hills like White Elephants Gig decides, l feel fine Theres nothing wrong with me. I feel fine which is her way of giving in to the procedure (par. 134). An analysis of the results of the study done by Aka Visitors and her colleagues under the Department of Psychology of Turk,

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