Thursday, October 31, 2019

BMW Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

BMW - Research Proposal Example The purpose of this analytical report was to identify some areas where BMW needs to bring changes in order to maintain its market share. The areas of improvement identified in the report included design of cars and technologies included in cars. The report also included some recommendations aimed towards improving the business of the company and increasing its customer base. Three recommendations were given in this regard which included signing contracts with a cooperated technology company to provide more technologies to customers, hiring some designing and programming specialist to improve the design of cars, and setting competition among programmers and designers to come up with new ideas related to design and technology to be use to build cars. Introduction: Synopsis of the Issue In today’s competitive world, it is the dream of almost every company to achieve competitive advantage in market. If we talk about automobile companies, we can say that competition in this industr y is even more intense because automobiles have become a common need for every individual. In such circumstances, automakers are putting every effort to design such cars which can meet the needs and expectations of their customers. Retaining existing customers and attracting more customers is the goal of every automobile company and to achieve this goal, continuous improvement is the only option. However, BMW is not being able to meet the pace of technological change by adapting to the concept of continuous improvement. BMW is one of such companies which must focus on changing its designs and technological features in order to remain competitive. BMW is losing its market share to Lexus and Audi in America (Anonymous, 2013). To overcome the challenge of adapting to technological changes and decreasing market share, the company needs to design customer-focused products by considering the demands of the customers. A company can only maintain its image and position in market if the cust omers are satisfied with its products. BMW can do this by improving its business strategy and shifting focus towards changing the interior and exterior design of cars at least every two years. This purpose of this analytical report for BMW is to provide an overview of potential challenges or problems for the company in order to find proper solutions well before the time those problems start affecting the business of the company. The report will include some key recommendations that the company can consider and work on as solutions for the potential upcoming problems. Company Background Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) is a German automobile manufacturing company which was founded in 1916 by Franz Josef Popp. The company is known for its innovative car designs, luxurious features, and comfort that it provides to its customers. The company is considered one of the top automobiles brands because of its huge customer base all over the world. It is due to effective business strategies of t he company that it has been able to acquire some very famous automobile compan

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Spinal cord injury Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spinal cord injury - Essay Example Significantly, the stem cells in all species showed these features. In their research, scientists released that adult cells in an injury site have the ability to regenerate into neural stem cells forming a new relay route that they could be in a position to measure electronically. To prove their discovery, the scientists demonstrated using rats where they found that mechanism motivating recovery was because of formation of new relays. When rats that had injured spinal cord recovered, their spinal cords were in a position to re-transect above the implant. The motor function in rats diminished showing the formation of new relays in the injured place. The merit of this research is that the grafting process resulted in important functional enhancement or improvement. For instance, using a walking scale of 21, in absence of treatment, the rats scored 1.5 after a stem cell treatment; it increased to seven a score that showed that the rats’ ability to move all joints of injured legs. The research was successful when human cells were applied in that the researchers were able to notice the formation of new relays in the affected area. The other advantage of the study is that it applied green fluorescent proteins in tracing and tracking neurons stem growth in the injured place. By tracking the stem cells, the green fluorescent proteins were in a position to observe the stem cells grow, develop into neurons, and grow axons, thus depicting the capability of these cells growing and linking with the host neurons. The study has shown that there is a possibility for a person to recover from spinal cord injury because during the early-stages, neurons are able to withstand inhibitors available in the adult central nervous system that function to maintain the spinal cord or the central nervous system and ensure that cells in the CNS do not grow aberrantly. The demerit of this research is that the research failed to elaborate how long it takes the new relays to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Misuse of Environmental Resources

Misuse of Environmental Resources A.What is the issue: Misuse of environment resources means wasting of our raw natural resources which leads to unbalance in the nature elements. This can be caused by two ways direct and indirect. For example, cutting forests to use their wood is considered as direct misuse; at the same time lacking of trees is reducing the amount of oxygen in the air and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is an indirect way of misusing. The significance of the issue:.B In the past, human beings adopted its home and clothing and their food plants on the environment, animals and other components, but what is happening now is a drain in all forms of environmental resources like living plant, animal and non-living resources, soil, mineral and energy resources, and this is attrition problems to the environment . .The water is the most important reason for the persistence of life on this planet, because its uses are many and varied ,and the amount of water on the surface of the Earth is not fixed and it will not increase ,for this reason the subject should be taken more seriously by looking for ways to conserve water and keep it .The metal is the basis of industry and economic power ,hence it is important to maintain it . the increasing in the number of the worlds population is causing a rapidly drain and increase the cost of extraction , it is known to us that this energy had been formed since millions of years and are not renewed, the throbbed they nee d millions of years until the other is made up again. As for the wealth of plant food source, which is very important in our lives, they are also harmed by cutting trees and burning of forests, overgrazing, being done by some ignorant shepherds and other things without thinking about the value of these trees that are a major source of food and energy in the body as they contribute to purifying the air from the exhaust gases such as carbon dioxide and also contribute to the process of transpiration in increasing the amount of rainfall. remained livestock is one of the most important sources through which a human on the protein needed to build his body and his bones and teeth, however, there are many species now threatened with extinction because of fishing in the breeding seasons. So what we see from the above is that we need to protect our environment and its resources, use it in the right way in order to protect ourselves and our planet . Why are you choosing this issue:.C In the UAE there a lot of natural resources that are misused , in our project we are trying to explain what are this resources and how they are used in the opposite way and what are its effectives on the society ,its so popular now a days , we need this resources to help the people and give them the attention to use it in the write way. D.Sources used : We have made around the university to ask the 20 students about our topic misused of natural resources in UAE and there opinion on it we have asked three questions which are : Q1) What are the natural resources in UAE in their opinion? Answer was: 10 girls gave an answer of the petrol resources of petrol resources. 5 girls gave an answer of the solar and energetic power. 2 girls gave an answer of the pearls and sea. 2 girls gave an answer of the oil source. Q2) Are those resources used in a proper way ? Answer was: 10 girls said (yes) 5 girls said (no) 5 girls said (some used properly and other no) Q3)In what ways we can use this sources properly ?(random 5) E.What are the reasons of the issue: There are many reasons for this issue such as increasing population and their consuming , the unawareness of some individual and groups with the serious of the problem, the development of industry and trade like trading in ivory, the luxuries living standard of rich people to match their needs. Also we have deliberate negligence on destruction of natural resources like dumping factory wastes on soil and land, last but least no restricted laws to be applied in order to protect and preserve our natural resources. F.What are the effects of the issue: 1.On the Individual level : Consuming the amount of fresh water. Air pollution. Sea life pollution (lack of food). Lack of resources for the next generations. Depletion of petroleum and minerals resources. Extinction of some kinds of rare animals and put the lives of the rest endanger. Decline the developed countries because of the wrong environmental behavior. Creating hybrid organisms could match the new environmental conditions. Crack in the life chain. 2.On the National and Global level: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.These words were said by Gandhi; those words were said to the people who misuse the environment, even though they know that this affects the world, now we are using a lot of the natural resources, as a result we have a lot of consequences, such as acid rain and smog. In this new age that we are in, we use a lot of electronics, but the thing is these electronics, they need a lot of fuel to work which is a great loss because later on with time there wont be any fuels for the other electronics like cars to transport us or the air conditioner to cool us down, all these factors will vanish with time and we wont be able to keep that same standard of living if we keep using the resources carelessly like we are now. We never wondered when we use up the fossil fuels, and they are no longer useful they end up in our lakes or oceans the bad thing is that this water has to be purify it because of all the pollutants that are present in the water and the people who are gaining from all this is the big businesses they clean the water and purify it. Even the big businesses have some waste that they dont want to deal with the waste that they have left from the purification so they throw it back to the water which they dont really care about its purity and the victims are the people who will think to drink, eat, or shower again with this water, and many more thing happen to us when the water in not pure which affects our body and our ecosystem. G.What can be done to resolve this issue: You might think its hard to solve, but its easy. If each one of us plant one small tree in his house, it will contribute in protecting our environment. A lot of people use cars even into the nearest place to their house, and of course they are not the only one who does the same thing, more and more do it. Instead of using cars, bicycles r good option. Easy to ride and doesnt cause a lot of damages or pollution to the environment. Start with yourself, think, and imagine a clean environment, better world and healthy people. How about walking, its good for both your body and your world Even for the people who must uses their cars every day, use refineries, do u know what that polluted air can cause to human health and your environment. Recycling!! had any one of u thought how much it can help in protecting our environment, people probably through stuff they use way, instead of that lets try using them in good ways again ,of course not everything but there is something that can be useful again such as papers , plastic , also try to reduce the amount of using it , instead use paper bags and cardboard containers, Even a simple habit of buying in bulk can save a lot of packaging material , see its very easy things do and very small m but it makes huge difference with our environment , help us to green our world. Treat the Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents , it was loaned to you by your children ancient proverb. Society projec 52 section Team members: Dina Amr Salem. Group Leader. Reem Ebrahim Kader. Mina Raafat Al Baali. Ghada Mohamed. Work plan: paragraph A, E, F, the presentation, andforming the report. Dina Amr. paragraph B and F. Mina Raafat. paragraph C and D. Ghada Mohamed. paragraph G and the brochure. Reem Ebrahim.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Protecting Miles and Flora in The Turn of the Screw Essay -- Henry Jam

Protecting Miles and Flora in The Turn of the Screw â€Å"I saw my service so strongly and simply. I was there to protect and defend the little creatures†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The governess sees it as her duty to protect Miles and Flora. What do they need protection from and how does Henry James illustrate this in his novel â€Å"The Turn of the Screw†? Henry James’s ‘Turn of the Screw’ can be interpreted in many different ways. He constructed his novel in order to make allusions to sexual topics, (without stating anything explicitly) madness, ghosts and the Victorian society. In this essay I will be analysing each of the above in order to make a conclusion as to what I think the children need protecting from. As for the ghosts being present or not, this can be argued. A point arguing the ghosts are present is in the introduction of the story. The man telling the story said he knew the governess and he credits the story with being a real ghost tale and the governess as being a real hero. Another point suggesting the ghosts are present is that when the governess â€Å"sees† Peter Quint she is able to go back to Mrs Grose with a fairly full description of him, even though she had never actually met him whilst he was alive. Another aspect of the novel that shows the ghosts exist is the vocabulary used to describe Miles and flora. They are called ‘cherubs’ and have religious connections made saying they are ‘angelic’. The governess sees Flora as ‘so very remarkable’ and ‘the most beautiful child ever seen†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. The children seem to be too perfect. Flora is described as being the most perfect child yet so many supernatural things occurs it is quite unbelievable that she is so very sweet and innocent. Going onto a point suggesting the g... ...s or over imagine, for example, when she sees Miles looking up she instantly is convinced he is not looking at her, but just above her and at a person and that person is Quint. Could the governess be 100% sure that Miles was looking above her and not at her? As I think the governess is mentally unstable, the next step I see her taking is protecting her sexuality and safety. The governess produces an â€Å"image† which is the female ghost of Miss Jessel. This allows Peter Quint and Miss Jessel to be sexually involved and the governess protecting herself. This leaves me to say, that the ghosts are a part of the governesses imagination. I think this because I do not find the governess a reliable narrator. If anything the children need protecting from it is from the governess and her unstability. I think this is what brought about her unbalanced behaviour.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Building Construction for the Fire Service

In the aspect of social community safety and welfare, incidence of fire disaster is indeed viewed to be very critical and damaging for the people. Primarily, this disaster posts danger to the people as it present injuries and even death to afflicted individuals and also, fire disaster posts certain damages to valuable life properties and social construction.Indeed, fire disasters are dangerous and very disadvantageous thus, the people must exert efforts and resource to prevent this problem from occurring and causing problems for the people. There are actually many new ways and technological advancement that have created to address the need of the society towards safety and security against the fire disaster. One of which is the development of the water sprinkler system in the social construction such as houses, buildings and other private and public construction.The system of water sprinkler is indeed an efficient and effective innovation for public safety as countless fire disasters have already been prevented by this creation. Consider primarily the beneficial that this system offers to the society. First, the water sprinkler system is automatic through its sensors thus, fire incidences can be premature prevented before it even destroy valuable property or inflict danger to the people.Second, modern innovations have developed this system to be more efficient thus, the aspect of water problem can be minimized. Indeed, the water sprinkler system installation is an effective means to prevent the dangers of fire disaster thus, the mandatory state of this installation need must be establish in each local community. As some people may argue, water sprinkler system also has its flaws and adverse issue yet, these people must consider first the question: â€Å"What if there is no water sprinkler system?† Indeed, this scenario would be much more problematic and adverse for the people as even the simplest fire originating form small sparks or friction can create a major fire disaster destroying valuable and even priceless infrastructures and property. What is more important that each community must consider when evaluating the need for the said system is the value and importance of people’s lives and their safety. Thus, the installation of the water sprinkler systems is an important addition to the basic construction elements for each private and public buildings and dom

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blood Brothers Theatre Review Essay

We visited the Phoenix Theatre on the fourth of October and when we the play started I was drawn to the actual setting of the stage; firstly contrast in the set and how it represented the two side’s class divide. Mrs Johnstone’s huge family all cramped up in the small, crumbling, graffiti covered terraced council housing with the rest of the workers and Mrs Lyon’s large elegant suburban detached house with is wrought iron street lamp and large windows and also with the interior of the houses only the kitchen of Mrs Johnstone’s house is shown overflowing with cooking utensils and laundry and other domestic trivialities but not a chair in sight which means Mrs Johnstone is always either shown standing up or sitting on the step whereas Mrs Lyons living room is shown with its tasteful decorating, art deco lamps, corner pillars and a large sofa in the middle where she is often shown sitting on offering another contrast between her and Mrs Johnstone. Another feature of the setting I particularly enjoyed was the raked stage which allowed better levels for the actors the stage is heavily raked, meaning that a lot of the action is easy to see from all over the house. The set is simple and remains stationary, creating a focused performance space and emphasised certain scenes like when Mrs Lyons suggested Mrs Johnstone give her one of the twins she upstaged Mrs Johnstone who had to turn to respond and also allows for multiple scenes such as when Mrs Lyons revealed Eddie and Linda’s ‘affair’ she turned Micky to face upstage where Eddie and Linda are walking together, which emphasises the cross cutting of that scene and another feature of the raked stage is that it simply allowed a better view of the Performance for the audience. The Play began with a frozen image of the dead twins seen through a red gauze curtain and the narrator gives the lines he is to repeat at the end This use of Dramatic Irony means you sympathise more with the characters knowing the fate that awaits them and it is also a very dramatic way to begin the show immediately drawing you in making ask questions which of course are answered throughout the duration of the play. The dramatic irony also makes you play closer attention to the play as you are compelled to see how the situation could have been avoided and it is shown through foreshadowing that all that would happen was set in stone from when a seven year old micky pretended to shoot a seven year old Eddie to when a seventeen year old Sammy pulled a knife out on the bus. These glimpses into their future might have been missed if you weren’t completely Hooked on the play and so the use of framing and dramatic irony means you were absorbed in the play completely. The costume in the play is a strong representation of the social status of the characters and so everything about Eddie and Mickey’s clothes represents key parts of their life and how they have added to their character as their costumes are a large representative of the whole nature versus nurture theme of the play. Eddie as a seven year old wears very neatly pressed v neck sweater over an immaculately white shirt and short trousers whereas mickey was wearing a jumper so ragged and dirty its quite hard to determine what colour it is, it’s full of holes and stretches to well over his knees indicating it is most likely a hand me down. The contrast in the childhood upbringing of the two characters is apparent in their clothing, the closest Eddie has ever come to second hand clothes is when he meets mickey on the other hand mickey has probably grown up with his siblings old clothes and toys et cetera. The adolescent Mickey wears fashionable denim and leather. Which shows him at what was the peak of his life, the happiest his is to be in the play. The adolescent Eddie wears a very smart school uniform The adult Mickey again wears a baggy jumper. However this is when he is dominated by medicine. His clothing also illustrates the loss of that huge childhood energy he had at the beginning of the play. It is hard to determine what purpose the narrator serves. On stage he appears dressed in a smart black suit –reminiscent of funeral garb so sort of fore shadowing but the costume his gives him a neutral status, as we cannot identify anything about his character. It gives him a sense of anonymity throughout the show, and the fact that the other characters do not acknowledge him gives him a ghostlike quality except when he takes a picture of. His main role throughout the show is to act as a constant reminder to us of the Brothers’ tragic fate – exemplified in the musical number ‘Shoes upon the Table’, which is repeated Throughout both acts of the show. It is also notable that as the show commences with the scene of The finale, his attire is like that of somebody who is attending a funeral – and it seems that he is dressed for such an occasion throughout the entire play. The characters seem to look through him or just avoid him until Linda asks h im to take their photograph and it seems as soon as she does this their lives begin to go wrong, coincidence or were their lives touched by evil The use of sound is possibly the most powerful dramatic medium used in the play; the songs are extremely well written fit immaculately with the themes of the play and the lyrics and melody are re used throughout the play. Music was used to draw emotion from the audience. It also helped to move along the action and always conveyed a theme, message or feeling. Echo was also used in parts of songs. However it was recorded and therefore gave a very surreal and artificial effect. The music and lighting combined at the beginning of the play to create both a DRAMATIC EFFECT and a SAD ATMOSPHERE which worked very well to draw you in. The use of the orchestra collaborated well with the songs. The gunshot at the end of the play worked well as it shocked the audience despite them knowing the ending. There was a great contrast in lighting between the countryside and the city. In the countryside it was bright and the scenery consisted of typical green rolling hills and a crystal blue sky. However in the city the lighting was much darker and the scenery consisted buildings. When the front door of Mrs Johnstone house opened light flooded on to the stage. The purpose of this was to generate the idea of presence of Mrs Johnstone and her children living inside the house. The stage was lit up with a red light at the beginning of the end. This was used as an indicator of the bloodshed to follow. A red light also appeared when Mrs Lyons came on to the stage. This illustrated her madness and guilt stricken conscious. This was also done by the use of blackouts. A blue light appeared at the end when the narrator came on to the stage and sang. To illustrate the madness of Mrs Lyons in song flashing lights came on. This made the audience feel uneasy and uncomfortable with the character of Mrs Lyons.